Open thread: Cleveland Weblogger Meetup Group needs a new organizer

Please use the comments area to discuss getting a new organizer for the blogger meetup group.


  1. Here is the text of the email I just sent out:

    Greetings Bloggers,

    George Nemeth has stepped down as organizer of the Cleveland Weblogger Meetup Group on As many of you know, this is
    a respected group with a long history. What you may not know is that it will cease to exist, and will expunge all
    records of it, unless someone takes over as organizer within two weeks.

    I'm emailing you folks to discuss who will take over because I've identified you as 'regulars' in the group. If I've left anyone
    out, please bring them into the discussion. The ideal leader would be (1) a well-established and committed blogger, (2) a
    well-established Clevelander, and (3) able to schedule a monthly meeting and attend almost all of them, even if they're not very
    formally organized.

    Speaking for myself, I meet criterion 3 but fall somewhat short on 1 and 2. If no one else steps forward, I will do it. The
    group means something to me, and that's good enough for rock and roll.

    Here are the pros and cons. First, exposure and prestige: leading this group helped George start a new career in social media.
    If you're trying to rebrand yourself, now's your chance. Second, it costs money: for George it was something like $10 a month,
    which is significant, and it may be more for the new organizer because meetup's rates have risen.

    So let's talk. (It's what we do best.)


  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for picking up the ball. We can never truly replace George. Fortunately, we are blessed with an abundance of talent to continue the club in some form and have it continue to serve its members.

    I meet criteria #s 1 and 2 (but, I am more committed than well established on the blogging); my uncertain future employment prohibits me from committing to #3. Between the two of us...

    Without speaking for anyone else, there are more than a couple in our midst who offer the whole package. Anyone?

    One thing we should consider is to use this event as an opportunity to create a succession plan, so we always know who the next leader is. To wit, let's select both a new leader and a successor, so that when the primary steps down next September, the Successor takes over; at the same time next year, we select a new Successor. Without formalizing the process too much, this could help us ensure some continuity.

    Whatever we do, I want to be sure to thank George for his leadership and initiative, both as a group and individually. In a separate conversation, we should talk about an appropriate thanks, IMO.

    A last thought: let's try to arrange meetings so they don't conflict with @clevelandsmc.


  3. I think Jeff is being modest and would be the best man for the job. He is very committed to this group as I know from conversations we've had.

    Also, as for any financial obligations, the Miller vault is open. I'll pay the entire fee, whatever it is.

  4. Donna, thanks for the compliment. I want to make sure the group succeeds.

    Steve, you're absolutely right that George deserves tremendous thanks. I have plans to thank him in person soon. George and the bloggers were the first people to really welcome me to Cleveland, they made me feel at home. The truth is, if it weren't for this group, I probably wouldn't be living here right now.

    I like the idea of a succession plan, or rotating leadership. We can implement that on meetup by designating "assistant organizers" who would also have the ability to schedule meetings.

    For those unfamiliar with the mechanics of, check some of the other groups, like Northeast Ohio Wine Connection, where my wife Alice is an assistant organizer:

  5. I've been a member since the very first meeting, and though my attendance of late has been spotty, would very much hate to see the group dissolve. However, the very same reasons that prevent me from attending as often as I'd like also make me a lousy candidate as organizer. So I'm perfectly content to throw my support to Jeff.

  6. As I've said in other venues today, I second the nomination for Jeff, who's too modest by half. To me, he hits every possible important criteria, which are really these: smart, enthusiastic and possessor of good people skills. That's all that matters. As I've also told him elsewhere, I'll happily volunteer to be his deputy, if the need ever arises.

  7. I second or third that, Jeff should be our leader. This is a good core group that should not 'fall by the way side.'

    Thanks for stepping up Jeff.
