The Permanent Floating Cocktail Party

A strange thing has happened in the Cleveland scene:  there are a dozen or so groups with similar themes throwing large social events practically every day of the week; the same people show up to every single one; and you can't tell them apart.  It's like a permanent floating cocktail party.

Author Larry Niven once wrote of a "permanent floating riot club" that developed shortly after the invention of teleportation in a fictional future society.  Once any kind of disturbance broke out anywhere in the world, word got out, and immediately thousands of people teleported there to break things and loot the place.  It got to the point where there was always a disturbance somewhere, and there was a steady flow of people joining and leaving this flash mob, so it became a full-time riot moving from place to place.

That's kind of what's happening here, but with drinking instead of looting.  And the Internet instead of teleportation (which, admit it, is almost as good).  Cleveland has a beer group, several wine groups, a spirits group, a happy hour group, a nightlife group, a "social" group, a 20s and 30s group, a 30s and 40s group, a "party connection", etc - this is nowhere near an exhaustive list and I don't mean to single anyone out.  My point is that most of them make little or no attempt to differentiate themselves.  To further blur any distinctions between them, events are usually cross-posted to multiple groups.

Is this necessarily a bad thing?  What should we expect from a meetup group? 

The value of is that it's a filter:  the people who come to meetups are the ones who are open to meeting new people.  In contrast, if you just go to a bar here and try to make new friends, you might get suspicious looks and cold shoulders.  For the most part, I think that's still true in the Permanent Floating Cocktail Party, though I'm no longer new here so it's hard for me to say from personal experience.  Some of my friends, though, have had bad experiences:  territorial behavior, gossip, that sort of thing. 

And this shows us something interesting:  the party has gotten large enough that it's no longer intimate; some people have begun to treat other attendees as though they were random strangers.  There's a strange transition that happens when a group gets to a certain size:  you sense that you'll never know some of the people in it, so you present a persona, a public face, that establishes a reputation for you among the people that you do know.  You start treating people less carefully, because they're just part of the scenery that you're projecting yourself on.  That is clearly happening in Cleveland.

My wife fumes with indignation that there's more than one wine group.  She takes it as a personal affront that anyone might find hers wanting in some way, and she says that the other groups' themes are feeble.  I keep telling her that meetup groups don't really have to have themes, though it's a nice way to bring new people in.  What really makes a group a distinct thing is the personality of the organizer, which sets the tone of the group.  The organizer determines what kind of behavior is acceptable, what kind of activities will take place, and in general how rigid or freeform the events will be.  In the Permanent Floating Cocktail Party, events are very freeform and the organizers make little effort to use the force of their personality to set a tone.  That's one thing that my wife does very well, and it sets the group she co-organizes apart from the others.

Most meetup groups, to be clear, don't involve alcohol or parties.  They're strongly focused on their themes, like book clubs or exercising or blogging.  That's the outsider's view of  that it's a way for geeks to find each other and share their obsession in person.  The vast majority are small and meet infrequently, and that's what their members want.  In that context, these giant themeless social nights are pretty odd.

When it's all said and done, you can go out any night that your schedule is open and have a drink with some strangers who will be willing to chat.  The event itself won't have a lot of personality, and you might encounter some high-school-like behavior, but it can be a lot of fun.  You never know who you'll meet, and in an unscripted live encounter, anything can happen.


  1. I agree with you. It is so pointless that all these people are paying money to have groups that all essentially do the same thing (and often the same event). Cheri and I take great pains to rarely - if ever - cross-post with other groups, and we almost never post anything that isn't a happy hour. I hit the roof last night when Cheri cross-posted the clambake with Spirits and Fun. She wasn't supposed to do that.

    Also, one thing you haven't mentioned that really pisses me off is that because there are so many groups and so many events it is starting to hurt the attendance of older, more established groups like Alice's group or our happy hour group. I don't understand how people can have that much energy and disposable income to go out essentially every night.

  2. You and I haven't talked about this, but I figured you'd have something to say about it. You're absolutely right that it's making things difficult for the wine group, especially Alice when she tries to book a large social event, because she's honest about attendance. All the restaurants and bars in the area are sick of Meetup. The organizers promise them 100 people and 40 show up. A couple weeks ago Momocho opened for us on a Monday, when they're usually closed, and the turnout was so far below what they were promised, they had idle staff smoking cigarettes on the sidewalk out front.

    Then, of course, the organizers never bother to go back and trim no-shows off the RSVP list on the meetup site, because bigger numbers makes the organizer look good. That's one reason why this is happening: people have figured out that they can build social capital by cultivating a reputation for throwing big parties. Unfortunately it hurts everybody else. It's a tragedy of the commons.

  3. First, my thanks to my husband for listening to me. You are indeed a thoughtful listener and I appreciate that.

    Second, it causes me great angst to have to justify why I would like to bring a quality group of people to a specific location. I don't ask for anything but staffing and product availability (2 major reasons why there are locations I just can't bring my group to anymore). I don't get paid, I don't make any money, I'm not in the promotion business... I just have a passion for doing good things for Clevelanders and locally-owned businesses. Having locations say that they don't want us because they've had other groups in the past that promised people but didn't pull through means the value proposition that I provide is washed away in the single careless act of another organizer who doesn't care one way or the other if people show up.

    Third, I care that the business looks good so it can be successful and I feel good when I can introduce them to 50 - 70 people who might not have ever gone there without my organization. It is my personal reputation on both sides of the coin. The business gets a quality number that I can count on for people to show and the people get a quality, positive experience. As well being associated with my group and Meet Up, it's my face and my name that will be remembered with that event as it's host and I take that very seriously. Anyone who knows me realized that I agonize over the details to ensure success.

    Finally, the future of Northeast Ohio Wine Connection gets bleaker with each passing year. The bad reputation preceding Meet Up as an overall organization is becoming a hurdle harder and harder to overcome. This is due, in part, to groups providing little to no accountability and that anything "Meet Up"-related is likely to be judged suspect by local owners. This saddens me to no end as it was the saving grace for me when I moved to Cleveland. My desire is that, for someone "new", it will be that same easy place where I finally made friends. And by "new", I mean to whatever change in their life that made them carefully branch out to strangers in an attempt to feel connected. That's the reason Meet Up started - post 9/11 when the world suddenly realized we did not know our neighbors, that the world was disconnected, and that human capital and relationships were far more important than another hour in front of the TV. With each event, NEOWC re-evaluates if it is providing that connection and watches to see if it has become just another stopping point for the Massive Floating Cocktail Party - the day that happens will be the day it ends.

  4. Alice, Cheri and I have talked about this numerous times. We are having the same problems as you regarding venues and attendance. Cheri has also observed the same thing - that some places don't want Meetup back due to past bad experiences. I have told everyone we will keep doing it as long as it is fun, but at this point it is no longer fun for me. I dislike most of the people who are the regulars of the roving cocktail party. The thought has crossed my mind several times to just drop the Happy Hour group. I think it would be a real shame if the wine group were to also go away.
